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I'm 100% committed to representing our district's values and needs in Columbus, fighting for the justice and opportunities or community deserves.

Councilman Tristan Rader Runs for State Representative

CLEVELAND, OH – Tristan Rader, a passionate advocate for progressive issues and values and current Lakewood City Councilman, has officially announced his candidacy for State Representative, running for the Democratic nomination in Ohio’s 13th Statehouse District. A lifelong resident of the Westside, Councilman Rader brings over a decade of experience in community service and political activism, deeply rooted in the progressive values and diversity of Northeast Ohio.

Tristan Rader, a passionate advocate for social justice and environmental sustainability, has a rich history of serving the Cleveland community. His work at the Greater Cleveland Foodbank highlights his dedication to addressing food insecurity, which many Cleveland area families struggle with. Councilman Rader worked on many progressive issues to raise the minimum wage, reduce drug costs, eliminate gerrymandering, and elect progressive candidates nationwide, underscoring his deep commitment to healthcare justice, workers' rights, and political activism. As the Ohio Director for Solar United Neighbors, Councilman Rader has championed clean energy, a testament to his vision for a more sustainable and environmentally responsible Ohio. His multifaceted approach to community engagement and policy advocacy positions him as a candidate deeply attuned to the needs of Northeast Ohio's working families.

Councilman Rader's decision to run is fueled by the critical situation in Columbus, where he believes fundamental liberties are in jeopardy. 

“The fabric of our democracy is being torn apart by leaders who aim to strip away our rights– the right to bodily autonomy, the right to love who you want to love and dress the way you are. They vilify teachers for simply teaching. Ban books, attack our unions, and destroy our environment for profit. Not to mention they have gerrymandered our state to decimate the people's power, all the while taking bribes from corrupt corporations to do their bidding,” Councilman Rader stated. 

He emphasizes that the growing fear and anxiety in local neighborhoods regarding the future of these basic human rights cannot be ignored.

His campaign is centered around returning the power of choice to Ohioans and reshaping the political landscape to ensure every voice is heard. Rader is a staunch advocate for marginalized communities, including Black, brown, and LGBTQAI+ groups, and is committed to championing universal healthcare, workers' rights, environmental protection, and social and economic justice.

Councilman Rader remains optimistic about the future of Ohio. “Ohio can once again be a beacon of hope. Our strength lies in our unity – in diverse voices coming together to mold a future that mirrors our shared values and aspirations,” he expressed. He invites Ohioans to join him in fighting for a state that embodies justice, equality, and freedom in the truest sense.

Councilman Rader concluded, "I'm 100% committed to representing our district's values and needs in Columbus, fighting for the justice and opportunities our community deserves."

Please contact Tristan Rader for Ohio Team for comment: 440-315-2852,

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